Add New Food To Our Database Calorie Count Form

If you are searching for a particular food to add to your daily food diary but cannot locate it, you can add it to our database and make it available for everyone.

To be able to add food to our database, you will first have to log in to your account.

To add a new food to our database first, click on the Calorie Counter drop-down menu and then the Add To Our Food Database menu item.

how to add a new food item and brand to our database

Once you click on the menu item, you will land on a screen where you need to enter the food Brand, Food Name and serving size.

All three fields are required once filled out click on create button. We will check that this food item with the entered serving size does not already exist. As long as the item does not already exist, you will get redirected to the nutritional details screen.

How to add a foods nutritional information

Fill out any fields that have a value for the food item that you are adding. Any values that do not apply to the food you are adding just leave as they are.

Click on Create to add the entry into our database. It will immediately be available for you to use once done. When the item gets successfully added, you will be taken to your daily food log and should see

successful nutritional information added.

If you have more items, you would like to add just click on the link (Add another food entry) available in the notification block. This link will return you to where you need to add brand and food name and serving size. If you just want to add the entry you created to your food log, click on the link (add food item).

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