We are going to look at another variation to one of the best exercises there is (Squats).

Tip Toe Squat are different from many variations since you will not be moving maximal weight.

This exercise is all about building your stability. It is also shown to improve your balance.

It is going to focus on working many of the stability muscles in your lower body.

We will cover two different variations of tip toe squats that you can perform. The first is the traditional tip toe squat also called the Yoga Squat or the Skinny Tip Toe Squat.

The second is known as the Pliè Squat. We will cover two variations of the Pliè Squat. The second version is significantly harder than the first. Do not move on to the second version until you have mastered the first.

The yoga squat is an intermediate training exercise. Most people can get the hang of it rather quickly.

The pliè squat is for people at an expert fitness level, and you should have several months of stability training before attempting this exercise.

The primary muscles used in these lifts are your Glutes, Calves, Quadriceps.

The pliè squat will also focus on your inner thighs.

If you have knee problems, you need to consult your health professional before doing either of these exercises.

Tip Toe Squat How-To

Image Example

woman showing how to perform the Tip Toe Squat https://get-strong.fit/Tip-Toe-Squats/Exercises

Video Demonstration

Step By Step Description

Step 1: Move your weight to the balls of your feet raising your heels off of the ground. Place your arms in a position that helps you to maintain your balance. I find holding my arms out in front of me best to maintain my balance.

Step 2: Push your hips back and bend at your knees lowering your body. Continue to lower your body until the hamstrings come into contact with your calves.

Step 3: Now slowly raise your body by standing straight up while still standing on the balls of your feet.

Focus on flexing your legs as you perform the movement.

Tip Toe Pliè Squat How-To version 1: Intermediate

Image Example

woman showing how to perform the basic Pliè Tip Toe Squat https://get-strong.fit/Tip-Toe-Squats/Exercises

Video Demonstration

Step By Step Description

Step 1: Stand straight up. Move your feet to a slightly wider than shoulder width stance. Turn your toes so that they are facing out and put your hands on your hips and look forwards.

Step 2: Keep your chest up and shoulders back now perform a squat by pushing your hips back and bending at your knee. Lower your body until the thighs are parallel with the floor. Now lift your heel and raise up onto the balls of your feet.

Step 3: Stay on your toes and raise your body back to the standing position.

Repeat for the desired number of reps.

Tip Toe Pliè Squat How-To version 2: Advanced

Image Example

woman showing how to perform the Advanced Pliè Tip Toe Squat https://get-strong.fit/Tip-Toe-Squats/Exercises

Step By Step Description

Step 1: Stand straight up. Move your feet to a slightly wider than shoulder width stance. Turn your toes so that they are facing out and put your hands on your hips and look forwards.

Step 2: Lift the heels of both of your feet, so you are on the balls of your feet.

Step 3: Now push your hips back and bend at the knees lowering your body until the thighs are parallel with the floor. Pause in the lower position and focus on squeezing your leg muscles.

Step 4: Slowly raise your body back to the starting position. Again you should be focusing on squeezing the muscles in your legs.

Training Tips

You can use a pole/broomstick or the backrest of a chair to help balance yourself in the beginning.

Weighted vest, kettlebells, or dumbbells are useful to increase the difficulty of these exercises.

Watch that your knees stay in line with your toes and that they do not cave inwards. Also do not let your lower back round.


All of these squat variations are useful to help you increase your balance and strengthen your stability muscles.

Strengthen your ankle and knee stability muscles can reduce your chance of getting an injury.

You should have a perfect technique with the traditional squat before using any of these squat variations.

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