Frog Squats Introduction

Last week we covered the frog push-up sticking with that theme were adding another froggy style exercise called The Frog Squat.

The Frog Squat is an efficient way for you to strengthen and tone your lower body.

You should be able to perform the regular body weight squat with good form before moving to this variation.

We will cover two variations of this exercise. The first will include a full range of motion for the squats.

The second variation you will use half the range of motion to keep your legs under constant tension.

This first variation this article will cover is stepping stone to Frog Jumps. The second works great in an interval training program for toning your lower body.


Your knees should never pass your toes. Having your knees extend beyond your toes will put extra stress on your knee joints.

Remember to inhale when you are lowering your body and to exhale as your body rises.

As with any exercise, you should consult your doctor before attempting to perform it. Especially if you suffer from joint problems or you have a significant amount of weight to lose.

Frog Squats Variation One Difficulty Easy

Video Demonstration

  • How To Guide

  • Step 1: For this exercise, you will take a stance slightly wider than shoulder width with your toes pointing outwards at 30 degrees. Place your arms down on the inside of your thighs in front of you with the palms facing towards your body. You are now in the starting position.
  • Step 2: Begin the lift by pushing your hips back and bend at your knees. Make sure your knees stay in line with your toes the entire time. Do not allow your knees to cave inwards. Remember to exhale as you lower your body.
  • Step 3: Continue lowering your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor and touch the floor with your fingers.
  • Step 4: When your fingers touch the floor exhale and push through your heels to raise yourself back to the standing position.

You have now completed one repetition of the frog squat.

Frog Squats Variation Two Difficulty Medium

Video Demonstration

Image Example

woman showing example on how to perform the frog squat
  • How To Guide

  • Step 1: Stand up with a slightly than wider shoulder width stance. Your toes should be pointed outwards by about 30 degrees. Push your hips back and bend at your knees lowering your body into the bottom position of a full squat. The crease in your hip is to be below your knees. You are now in the starting position for performing Frog Squats.
  • Step 2: Push through your heels raising your body, so the crease in your hip is above the knee. You need to bring your hips up to half way of your standing position.
  • Step 3: Immediately lower your body back down into the bottom squat position. You have now completed one repetition of this exercise.

The limited range of motion will keep your quads, glutes, and hamstrings under tension to a higher degree than the first variation outlined in the article.

Muscles Worked

The primary muscles that this exercise will work are your Quadriceps, Adductors, and Glutes.

The secondary muscles involved are the Lower Back, Hamstrings, and your Abductors.

Equipment Required

Frog squats are a Calisthenics exercise, so you only need your body to perform them. As with all Calisthenics, you can add weighted clothing for increased difficulty.

Difficulty Level

The first variation of the Frog Squat is a beginner level body weight (Calisthenics) exercise.

The second variation is a more advanced beginner level exercise. It requires you to have greater leg strength since your leg muscles will be under consistent tension.

In Closing

This exercise will help you to tone your legs. It will add greater flexibility to your lower body and can reduce leg stiffness.

Focus on improving the number of repetitions or the active time you are performing the exercise for from week to week.

I like to use these exercises with interval training. We offer a Free Online Interval Timer that you can use. No registration is required to use the tool so check it out.

If you do decide to give it a try, each week either increase the amount of time you are performing the exercise (Active Time) and keep the rest time the same each week.

Alternatively, you can increase the number of rounds(sets) that you will perform each week.

Frog Squats are also a good exercise to use to help you progress to the Jumping Squats exercise.

Since it is a calisthenics exercise, you do not need a gym to be able to perform it. So you have no excuse not to be doing this exercise.

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