how to perform the barbell skullcrusher

Step 1: Grab a barbell using an overhand grip(pronated) with your arms approximately shoulder-width apart. Lie with your back on a flat bench with your head near the end of the bench.

Step 2: Bring the bar back in a semi-circular motion as you extend your arms bringing the bar to the overhead position. Your arms should be over your head and perpendicular to the floor with your elbows tucked in towards your body.

You are now in the starting position.

Step 3: Inhale and lower the bar by bending at your elbows while keeping your upper arms stationary. Continue lowering the bar until your forearms are perpendicular to the floor.


Image Example

how to perform the grasshopper push-up

Step by Step Description

Step 1: Put the palms of your hands flat on the floor shoulder-width apart. Ground your toes into the floor while squeezing the glutes to stabilize the body. Your body should form a straight line from your heels to shoulders.

You are now in the starting position.

Step 2: Bend your left knee and slide your leg under your body. Keep your leg under you and Inhale and bend at your elbows lowering your body until your chest is almost touching the floor. However, do not let left your left leg to touch the floor.


how to perform paul anderson squats

Step 1: Set the pins on the squat rack to the desired height. It should be set low enough, so the crease of your hips is in line with your knees. Move under the bar and place it on your back in the bottom squat position, now unrack the barbell.

Step 2: Press through your heels, press your chest out and tighten your core and lift yourself up to the standing squat position.

Step 3: Now you are going to return to the lower squat position. Push your hips back and bend at the knees slowly lowering the weight back down onto the pins. Use a slow and controlled movement do not allow the barbell to just fall toward the pins.


how to do the tricep cable extension

Today's article will cover everything you need to know for adding the Tricep Cable Extension exercise into your training routine.

This article will include video, image and a written step by step description on how to do this exercise.

Its difficulty level, the equipment you need to do it. The different muscle groups that get worked when you use this exercise.

The benefits you get when adding it to your training routine. Also, some different training cues to use when you are performing it.

Since this is an isolation exercise, you will not need to add it to your training routine until you have spent several months lifting and building a foundation of strength and muscle with compound movements (multi-joint movements) Bench Press, Overhead Press, etc.


how to perform the Reverse Preacher Curl Exercise

This article will cover how you perform the Reverse Preacher Curl exercise.

This article will include video, image and a written step by step description on how to do this exercise.

Its difficulty level, the equipment you need to do it. The different muscle groups that get worked when you use this exercise.

The benefits you get when adding it to your training routine. Also, some different training cues to use when you are performing it.

Step 1: Grab an EZ-bar using an overhand grip with your hands approximately shoulder width apart.

Step 2: Put the upper part of both your arms onto the top of the preacher bench with your arms extended.

You are now in the starting position.

Step 3: Exhale and curl the bar up until your biceps are in an entirely contracted position with the bar approximately shoulder height. Pause and squeeze your biceps tight for one to two seconds with the bar at the shoulder height position.


how to do the steps for the Squat Snatch exercise

Use this lift if you are looking to build strength and explosive power at the same time.

This article will include video, image and a written step by step description on how to do this exercise.

Its difficulty level, the equipment you need to do it. The different muscle groups that get worked when you use this exercise.

The benefits you get when adding it to your training routine. Also, some different training cues to use when you are performing it.

Remeber you are combining two different exercises into one fluent motion. The Snatch and the Squat get coupled to complete this advanced movement.

The Snatch consists of three pulls.


how to perform the Wall Throws Exercise

This article will cover every thing you should know about the Wall Throws exercise.

We will include video, image and a written step by step description on how to do this exercise.

Its difficulty level, the equipment you need to do it. The different muscle groups that get worked when you use this exercise.

The benefits you get when adding it to your training routine. Also, some different training tips to use to help make sure you are performing it correctly.


man showing how to perform the trx jump squat

This article will cover how you perform the Trx Jump Squat exercise.

We will include video, image and a written step by step description on how to do this exercise.

Its difficulty level, the equipment you need to do it. The different muscle groups that get worked when you use this exercise.

Step 1: Use Trx straps in the medium-length position. Stand with your body facing towards the point of suspension.

Step 2: Grab a handle with each hand. Have your palms facing in. Stand far enough away from the suspension point that when you are holding the handles down, they are only a few inches in front of your waist with tension in the straps.

Step 3: Keep the Trx grips in place(by bending at the elbows) push your hips back and bend at the knees lowering your body. Keep dropping until the crease of your hip is in line with your knees.


woman showing how to do the steps for the toe touch crunch exercise

This article will cover how you perform the Toe Touch Crunch exercise.

We will include video, image and a written step by step description on how to do this exercise.

Its difficulty level, the equipment you need to do it. The different muscle groups that get worked when you use this exercise.

The benefits you get when adding it to your training routine. Also, some different training cues to use when you are performing it.

Don't worry if you can not yet do the full range of motion. As time goes on and you continue using this lift your range of motion will increase along with the strength of your core.

Step 1: Lay on the floor resting on your back.

Step 2: Keep your feet together and legs straight(or with only a very slight bend) and raise them off of the ground bending at your waist until your legs are straight in the air.


man showing how to perform the wide stance barbell squat

This article will cover how you perform the Wide Stance Barbell Squat Strength Training exercise.

We will include video, image and a written step by step description on how to do this exercise.

Its difficulty level, the equipment you need to do it. The different muscle groups that get worked when you use this exercise.

The benefits you get when adding it to your training routine. Also, some different training cues to use when you are performing it.

Step 1: Load a barbell into a squat station. Set the bar on a peg that is just below shoulder height. Load up the barbell with a suitable weight (use a weight that allows you to do the entire range of motion).

Step 2: Move in front of the barbell and grab it using an overhand grip (palms facing away from your body). Have your hands in a wide grip (wider than shoulder width apart). Bend your knees and dip under the barbell and place it slightly below your rear deltoids along your back. Squeeze your shoulder blades down and back towards each other. When you squeeze your shoulders also rotate your arms forwards, so your elbows are pointing down like you are trying to bend the bar across your shoulders.


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