
We are covering the Crucifix Push Up in today's post.

The Crucifix Pushup is a compound pushing exercise. It requires you to have significant chest and shoulder strength.

This post will cover exactly how you perform it with proper form. It will include a video and image example and a step by step description on how to do the movement.

The different muscles it works. Its difficulty level, and the various pieces of equipment you will need.

The article will then outline the benefits to adding it to your training routine. We will also cover some basic training tips for performing this lift.

Crucifix Push-Up How to Guide

Image Example

man showing how to do the Crucifix Push-Up

Step by Step Description

Step 1: Lay face down on your stomach with your legs extended. Have your feet between one to two feet apart. Use whatever distance helps you hold your balance best.

Step 2: Extend your arms outwards in line with your shoulders. Your arms should be running perpendicular to your body.

Step 3: Lift the palm of your hands leaving only your fingertips and thumb touching the floor.

Step 4: Now perform a push-up. Press up through your hands raising your chest several inches off of the floor. Keep your core, and upper body tight when you lift. Hold in the raised position for a second and then lower your body back to the floor.

Step 5: Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Muscles Worked

This exercise will use several different muscles groups.

Your Pectorals (chest) is the primary muscle group targeted.

The secondary muscles involved to complete the lift are your Abdominals, Lower Back, Shoulders, and the Triceps.

Difficulty Level

Crucifix push-ups are one of the harder push-up variations out there. It is an advanced calisthenics exercise.

If you do not have enough strength to complete one repetition check out the Progression Methods section below. We outline multiple ways to help you build your strength for this movement.

Equipment Required

This exercise is a calisthenics (body weight) form of training, so no equipment is needed.

However, you can use weighted clothing to increase the difficulty to performing it.

A weighted vest works well since the weight gets strapped across your upper body.


Few body weight exercises can specifically target and train your pectorals as well.

Building your chest is shown to increase athletism and make everyday activities easier.

If you are capable of properly doing this exercise, you are considered to be at an advanced physical level on pushing exercising.

Training Tips

Remember to keep your entire body tight when performing it. You should be moving the whole body as one coordinated unit.

Make sure that each rep you do begins with your body on the ground.

Progression Methods

If you do not have enough strength to perform this movement below is two common ways to increase your strength that will help you to complete this move.

The first is to bring your arms closer to your body instead of having them extended out. Bring them as close to your body as you need.

When you can complete eight repetitions it time to move your arms a bit further away from your body.

Now build up your reps again with your arms at the new further distance.

Keep doing this until you can complete the exercise with your arms fully extended.

If you have access to weights, focus on increasing your close grip barbell bench press, and dumbbell flyes to build up your strength for this exercise.

If you want to raise the difficulty of this lift two good options are

1) Using a weighted vest.
2) Having someone put a weighted plate on your back.


Being one of the harder pushup exercises do not be discouraged if you cannot perform it right away.

Just keep focusing on increasing your pushing strength.

Use the progression methods above, and you should be able to perform it within several months.

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