Video Demonstration

The Side Plank Twist gets classified as a Calisentetics and Pilates Strength Training exercise.

In this article, we will cover how you are to perform the Side Plank Twist with video, image and a written step by step description.

Its difficulty level, the different equipment you will need, and the different muscles that this lift works.

The different benefits that you can get when you add it to your training routine, and some training tips to make sure you get the most out of it when you are performing this exercise.

Side Plank Twist How to Guide

Image Example

woman showing how to perform the Side Plank Twist Exercise

Step by Step Description

Step 1: Lay on your right side flat on the floor. Stack your feet on top of one another. Put your right arms elbow or palm on the ground directly under your shoulder. Put your left hand behind your head. Flex your core and lift your hips, so only your arm and feet are in contact with the ground. Have your body form a straight line from your heels to the neck.

You are now in the starting position.

Step 2: Rotate your left shoulder towards the floor by twisting at the waist. Bring your left elbow towards your right hand. Hold this position for one to two seconds and squeeze your core tight.

Step 3: Return to the starting position. Once you have completed the desired number of repetitions, switch sides by placing your other arm on the floor and repeat.

Difficulty Level

The Side Plank Twist gets rated as an intermediate exercise.

You should be able to perform Planks and the Side Plank for 30 seconds before adding this into your training routine.

Equipment Required

Since this is a Calisthenics exercise, you only need your body and an area large enough for you to lay down.

You can use a weighted vest or clothing to continue to increase the difficulty of this lift. Titan makes a heavy duty vest that can handle up to 100 lbs.

Muscles Worked

The primary muscles used by this lift are your Abdominals and the Obliques (run along the sides of your core).

The secondary muscles that get worked are your Shoulders, Glutes, and the Quadriceps.

Benefits of Side Plank Twists

The Side Plank Twist will increase your core strength while providing a good stretch to your upper back.

It will help you to increase your balance and stability.

Training Tips

You can perform this exercise from the low(elbow on the floor) or high Side Plank (palm on the floor with arm extended) Position. When you are first starting with this exercise, you should use the low plank and progress to using the high side plank position.

Use the high plank position to increase the amount of stress placed on your shoulders and arms.

Your arm needs to be directly in line with the shoulder. If it is not there will be additional stress placed on your shoulder joint increasing the chance of injury.

In closing

Before you add this lift to your training routine, you should have spent some time developing your body with Planks, Side Planks, and Push-ups.

If you have never done this lift before you definitely should add it to your routine for at least a few months to see for yourself all the benefits it has to offer.

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