woman showing how to do the elbow rocking plank

Use the Rocking plank to build a stronger core and shoulders.

Before using this lift, you should have a solid form on the traditional plank and be able to hold it for at least 20 seconds before using this harder variation.

This article will cover how you do the Rocking Plank with video, image and a written step by step description on how to do it.

Its difficulty level, optional and required equipment, the muscles that get worked.

The different benefits you get from doing it, and some training tips to make sure you get the most out of doing this exercise.

Top of Push-Up Rocking Plank How to Guide

Video Demonstration

Step by Step Description

Step 1: Lay face down on the floor. Place the palms of your hands on the floor directly under your shoulders with the fingers pointing forwards. Dig your toes into the floor and extend your arms moving to the top of the push-up position. Maintain a straight line from your head to the heels.

You are now in the starting position.

Step 2: Slowly move your body forward by rising higher onto your toes driving your head and shoulders forwards. Keep pushing forwards until your shoulders just pass the tips of your fingers.

Step3: Slowly lower your toes moving your body back to the starting position. Your shoulders should get aligned with your hands. Your weight should get evenly distributed between your hands and feet.

You have now completed one repetition of the Rocking Plank.

Image Example

woman showing how to do the rocking plank from top position

Elbow Rocking Plank How to Guide

Video Demonstration

Step by Step Description

Step 1: Lay face down on a floor with your body extended. Put your forearms on the floor with the elbows directly under your shoulders for maximal stability. Engage your core and drive your toes into the floor lifting your midsection off of the floor.

Step 2: Keep your back straight and flex at your elbows and raise higher on your toes moving your head and shoulders forwards by two to four inches.

Step 3: Lower your toes and flex at your elbows returning to the starting position.

Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Image Example

woman showing how to do the elbow rocking plank

Difficulty Level

The rocking plank gets rated as an Intermediate exercise.

You should have spent some time learning how to plank in the top and bottom position before adding this lift into your training routine.

The distance your feet get separated from one another will also alter how difficult this exercise is.

The closer together your feet are to each other the more your core muscles must work to keep your body stabilized.

Equipment Required

Since this is a calisthenics and pilates exercise, you do not need any equipment to perform it.

Weighted clothing can be used to increase the difficulty of this lift.

Muscles Worked

The primary muscles used for this exercise are your Abdominus rectus (abs), Obliques (Abdominals that run down the side of your body), Deltoids (shoulders), and the Pectoralis major (chest)

The secondary muscles used when you perform this lift are your Trapezius, and the Longissimus.

Benefits of the Rocking Plank

The Rocking Plank gives you all of the core strengthening benefits of the traditional plank while also placing a greater emphasis on your upper back and the shoulders.

Strengthening your core has been shown to reduce and even remove back pain for many people.

Training Tips

You need to keep your arms in line with your shoulders. If you use the top of a plank position, then your palms need to be directly under the shoulders. When you use the low plank position, your elbows need to be directly under the shoulders.

Engage your core, butt, and legs when you are performing this exercise. Doing this will help to keep your body aligned and prevent you sagging at your waist.

Pull your belly button inwards towards your back. Pulling in your stomach is shown to help activate your deep inner transverse abdominal muscle.

Your body needs to form a straight line from the top of your head down to the heels throughout the entire movement.

Rocking Plank Variations

There are multiple ways that you can alter the Rocking Plank to change things up.

You can change between using the top and bottom plank positions. When you are in the low plank position, a higher focus will get placed onto your core muscles. The top plank position will change the focus of this exercise. The tension placed on your core gets reduced, and more work gets offset to your arms and shoulders.

You can also lift one of your legs to further increase the difficulty.

Another option is to place your feet on to a weighted bench or step. Raising your feet will help increase the strength required from your shoulders and arms while still fully recruiting your core muscles.


The rocking plank is a lesser used plank variation but has a lot to offer.

If you have never performed this lift, you should try it out for at least a few weeks to see for yourself all of the benefits that it has to offer.

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