Video Demonstration

Before you add this lift to your training you should be able to do the traditional plank for a minimum of 30 seconds and have solid form with the Bent over Row.

In this article, we will cover how you perform the Plank Row Strength Training exercise.

We will include video, image and a written step by step description on how to perform the exercise.

Its difficulty level, the equipment you need to do it. The different muscle groups that get worked when you use this exercise.

The benefits you get when adding it to your training routine. Also, some different training cues to use when you are performing it.

Plank Row How to Guide

Image Example

Woman showing how to perform the Plank Row Exercise

Step by Step Description

Step 1: Grab a dumbbell or kettlebell in each of your hands. Lie face down on the floor moving into the top of push-up position. Your toes should be touching the floor with your hands holding your body up on the dumbbell/kettlebells.

Step 2: Move into the plank position by having your body form a straight line from your heels to your head.

You are now in the Plank Row starting position.

Step 3: Exhale, Pull your right arm up towards your chest while using your left arm and feet to keep your bodys balance. Hold the dumbbell at your chest for one to two seconds.

Step 4: Inhale as you slowly lower your right hand down returning to the starting position.

Step 5: Exhale, Pull your left arm up towards your chest while using your right arm and feet to keep your bodys balance. Hold the dumbbell at your chest for one to two seconds.

Step 6: Inhale as you slowly lower your left hand down returning to the starting position.

You have now completed one repetition. Repeat these steps for the desired number of reps.

Difficulty Level

This lift gets classified as an Intermediate training method. You should be able to perform the Plank and the Bent Over Row before adding it into your training routine.

Equipment Required

To perform this exercise, you will need either a set of Dumbbells or Kettlebells.

Optionally a weighted bench and weighted clothing can be used to increase the difficulty of this lift.

Muscles Worked

The muscle groups that get worked by this lift are your Core, Glutes, Shoulders, Biceps, and your Middle Back.

Benefits of the Plank Row

This lift will help you to improve your stability, balance, and posture while strengthening your entire body.

Plank Row Training Tips

Do not let your hips sag or your lower back to arch when performing this exercise.

The closer together your feet are placed to each other the more stabilizing muscles get recruited to help you maintain your balance.

The pulling motion should use the muscles in your mid back. Do not pull from your upper back/neck.

When you are at the top position of the row keep your shoulders square to the floor. Avoid excessivly rotating your body.

To increase the difficulty of this lift place your feet on top of a weighted bench. Doing this will increase the amount of tension put on your core.

You can also increase the difficulty by raising the leg opposite of the arm that you are lifting.

In closing

Building a solid core has been shown to reduce lower back pain and improve other compound lifts like the Squat and Deadlift.

The Plank Row mixes calisthenics with free weights to challenge your bodys Balance, Stability and Strength creating an effective compound moverment.

If you have never trained with this lift try it out for a few weeks to see for yourself all the benefits that it has to offer.

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