Video Demonstration

The Plank Knee to Elbow gets classified a Pilates Strength Training exercise.

There are several different topics we will cover about this exercise.

This article will cover how you perform it with video, image, and a written step by step description detailing each step required for you to do it.

The equipment you need to be able to perform it. The different muscles that it uses. Some of the benefits you get when including it into your training routine.

We will then cover some different Planking variations you can use instead.

Plank Knee to Elbow How to Guide

Image Example

woman showing how to do the Plank Knee to Elbow exercise

Step by Step Description

Step 1: Lie face down on the floor with your body extended. Place the palms of your hands flat on the ground directly under your shoulders. Extend your elbows raising your body to the top of the push-up position. Your body should form a straight line from your head to heels.

You are now in the starting position.

Step 2: Engage your core and lift one of your feet off of the floor bringing the knee to the outside of the arm on the same side. When you bring your knee to the elbow pause and hold this position for one to two seconds, doing this will help to maximize the activation of your abdominals.

Step 3: Now straighten your leg back behind you. Keep your leg elevated at the same height as your hips and repeat for the desired number of repetitions. Now lower your leg and repeat the movement with your opposite leg.

Difficulty Level

The Plank Knee to Elbow gets rated at an intermediate difficulty level.

Equipment Required

Since this is a Calisthenics exercise, you only need your body and an area large enough for you to lie down.

You can use a weighted vest, clothing, or ankle weights to make this exercise more difficult.

Muscles Worked

The muscles that get worked when you perform this exercise are your Triceps, Abdominals, Obliques, Front of the shoulders, and the Lower Back.

Benefits of the Plank Knee to Elbow

Increase flexibility through your posterior chain. Specifically, the muscles around your shoulders, collarbone, and shoulder blades get stretched.

Planks can help to reduce and sometimes eliminate lower back pain. Reducing back pain is a common side effect of strengthening the core.

When the plank gets performed correctly, it will help to improve your balance and posture.

Training Tips

You need to maintain a straight line from your head to the heels. Do not lift your hips or let your hips sag.

When you are raising your knee to your chest, Squeeze your abdominals.

In closing

Building a strong core is important and will help you to complete your daily activities easier.

The Plank Knee to Shoulder will strengthen your core and give extra focus to your obliques while tightening and trimming down your waist.

Oblique training can even help to improve other exercises like squatting and deadlifts. Your obliques get recruited for these lifts, and if they are under developed, it will limit the total amount of weight that you can lift.

It does not matter if you are trying to look great in a bikini or increase your deadlift strengthening your core is an area that deserves your focus.

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