
Today we are going to cover the Plank Hip Twist.

It is a Pilates compound exercise that will help you to develop your core strength, it also tightens and trims down your waist.

It has a beginner level difficulty level. Before using this exercise, you should be able to perform the Traditional Plank and the Side Plank.

In this article, we will cover how to do the exercise with video and image examples. We include a step by step description detailing exactly how you perform it.

The equipment you will need and the different muscles that get trained.

Some of the different benefits you get when adding it into your training routine. Different training tips to help make sure that you are performing the exercise correctly.

Plank Hip Twist How to Guide

Image Example

example how to perform the Plank Hip Twist

Image source

Step by Step Description

  1. Step 1: Move into the plank position. To get in the plank position begin by lying face down on the floor. Place your toes on the floor. Put your forearms on the ground with the elbows directly under your shoulders. Lift your hips off the floor, stabilize your body with your toes and forearms. Make sure that you lift your hips up until your back is straight.

  2. You are now in the starting position.

  3. Step 2: Tighten your abdominals by pushing your stomach up towards your spine. Slowly twist at your hips sideways until the side of your hip is almost touching the floor. Pause and then return to the plank position.

  4. Step 3: Now twist your hips again. However, this time move your hips in the opposite direction. Keep lowering until the side of your hip is almost touching the floor and pause. Now return to the plank position.

  5. Congratulations you have just completed one repetition of the Plank Hip Twist. Repeat for the desired number of reps or time you have selected.

Equipment Required

Since we are performing a calisthenics training method, no equipment is needed.

You can use a weighted vest to make this exercise more challenging.

Muscles Worked

The primary muscle that gets worked by this exercise is your obliques (the side muscles of your core).

The secondary muscles that are worked by this exercise are your abdominals and the lower back.

There are several other muscles worked that are not directly involved in the lift.

The Trapezius, Quadriceps, Hamstrings, and Glutes all perform an isometric contraction when you carry out this exercise.


Building a strong core reduces the chance of injury when performing your daily activities.

A weak core with stronger back muscles is proven to cause back pain. Building a strong core can remove the muscles imbalance between the front and back of your body. Building up these muscles and removing any muscle imbalances will help to eliminate back pain.

It will reduce the pressure on the lower back. When you have a strong core force is distributed better reducing tension on your lower back.

The twisting motion places significantly more work onto your obliques than the traditional plank.

The twisting motion can help to increase the flexibility of your spine. It is also shown to increase your balance, stability, and can even improve posture.

Sports like tennis, racquetball, golf and many others involve swinging of your torso. Strengthening your obliques can increase the speed of your core improving athletic performance.

Everyday activities like bending, twisting, and carrying things will all be easier for you to do.

Training Tips

You need to control the twisting movement to help avoid an injury.

All of your muscles need to remain firm throughout the action. If your muscles are not tense, there is a higher chance of injury to your lower back.

Try to avoid your hips touching the ground when performing the twisting.

Use a slow and controlled movement hen performing this exercise.

Do not let your elbows leave the floor when you are performing it.

You should be Breathing slowly and deeply.


Building a strong core is important and can help make daily activities easier.

The Plank Hip Twist will strengthen your core and give extra focus to your obliques while tightening and trimming down your waist.

Oblique training can even help to improve other exercises like squatting and deadlifts. The obliques get recruited in these lifts and if they are not up to par will limit the total weight you can lift.

It does not matter if you are trying to look great in a bikini or increase your deadlift oblique training is an area that deserves your focus.

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