
Stop wasting your time trying to strengthen you obliques with side bends. Use the Suitcase Deadlift to take your oblique training to the next level.

The Suitcase Deadlift is more functional then side bends and will allow you to move heavier loads.

Side bends are great for newbies but if you have been lifting for awhile its time to turn up your oblique training.

The traditional deadlift and squat require you to have strong obliques. If you have not been specifically training your obliques, these lifts are going to suffer.

Using the suite case deadlift variation will bring your oblique strength to a whole new level.

This lift can be done in a power rack with the weight lifted to shin level. But to get the most out of it, you should place the weight directly on the floor.

Suitcase Deadlifts are an expert level exercise. So you should have at least several months of weightlifting under your belt before you even think about using it.

Many people notice other lifts increase after using this exercise for a few months. This is because of the increased core strength gained.

Suitcase Deadlift how to Guide

Image Example

man showing how to do the Suitcase Deadlift

Step By Step Written Description

Step 1: Place a barbell on the floor and stand beside it at its center. Your feet should be on the insides of your shoulders.

Breathe in and lower your body by pushing the hips back and bending at your knees until you can grab the bar.

Step 2: When grabbing the bar use and overhand grip with your palms facing towards your body.

This is the starting position for the lift.

Step 3: Breathe out and lift from your legs to move the bar up of off the floor. Allow your arms to extend as your body rises. Keep lifting until you are in the standing position and pause for one to two seconds.

Step 4: Drive your hips back and bend at the knees while exhaling to bring the weight back to the floor.

Step 5: Repeat for the number of repetitions you plan on doing.

Step 6: Now switch arms and repeat for the same number of reps.

Muscles worked

The suitcase deadlift is a compound exercise that works many muscles in your body.

The main areas it focuses on are your Obliques and Forearms.

The secondary muscles used are the Quadriceps, Glutes, Hamstrings, Calves, Lower Back, Lats, and your Traps.

Equipment Required

To perform this lift, you need either a barbell, kettlebell or dumbbell. To get the most out of this exercise, you should use a barbell.

When using a barbell spend some time practicing your form and balance before adding weight.

The extra length of the bar and using only one hand makes stabilizing the weight a lot harder.

If you do not have the equipment, use the links below to pick them up from Amazon.

Training Tips

If you have a history of back problems, you should stay away from this exercise.

If your grip strength is limiting you on this lift, you can try using wrist wraps. But remember this will reduce/remove the strengthening to your grip that this exercise gives.

Suitcase Deadlifts are not a speed exercise. Use a slow and controlled movement when performing it.

Jerking when doing this exercise or using to much weight significantly increases your chances of receiving a lower back injury.

Keep your body straight. Do not let yourself lean towards the side holding the weight. Leaning to the side will reduce the Oblique training effectiveness.

Only work one side at a time. If you use a dumbbell in each hand, you significantly reduce the oblique training this exercise offers.

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