Video Demonstration

If you are looking to challenge your body with a difficult full body exercise Wall Walks are for you.

This article will cover how you perform the Wall Walk with video, image, and a written step by step description detailing each step required for you to do it.

The equipment you need to be able to perform it. The different muscles that it uses. Some of the benefits you get when including it into your training routine.

We will then cover some different training tips to help make sure you get the most out of this lift.

This lift is well suited for use in programs that use progressive overload. All that you need to do is use a weighted vest. When you can complete your desired reps for each set, increase the amount of weight on the vest next time you do the exercise.

Wall Walk How to Guide

Image Example

woman showing how to perform the wall walk

Step by Step Description

Step 1: Stand up with your back touching a wall. Move your feet, so they are approximately shoulder width apart. Move down to the floor. Have your stomach on the floor. Put the palms of your hands on the floor directly under the shoulders. Extend your elbows raising your body to the top Plank position.

You are now in the starting position.

Step 2: Walk your hands towards the wall as you walk your legs up the wall. Keep moving towards the wall until you are in the handstand position (your body should be parallel to the wall and perpendicular to the floor).

Step 3: Pause in the handstand position for 1 to 3 seconds.

Step 4: Slowly walk your hands forwards as you walk your feet back down the wall until you return to the Top Plank position.

You have now completed one repetition. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for the desired number of repetitions.

Difficulty Level

Wall Walks gets rated at an intermediate fitness level.

To prepare for this exercise, you should practice Plank Shoulder Touches (build your shoulder and core strength), and Handstand Wall Holds (get used to being upside down), and the Pike Push-Up.

Equipment Required

You only need your body to perform this exercise. A Weighted vest or clothing can get used to help you increase this movements difficulty allowing you to continue making more strength.

Muscles Worked

Multiple muscle groups are working when you perform this lift. They are your Triceps, Chest, Core, Shoulders and the Legs.

Benefits of Wall Walks

You work multiple muscle groups as a unit. Using multiple muscle groups more closely mimics activities you perform in your everyday activities.

Wall Walks will not only help you to build strength but also improve your balance and stability.

Using full body exercise will help you burn a high number of calories in a short period. Compound Strength training exercises are also shown to increase the number of calories you body burns for up to 48 hours.

Using the Top of Plank position and moving your legs above the shoulders places a hudge amount of tension on your core.

Training Tips

Walk up the wall as high as feels comfortable to you. Once you start to feel more comfortable, start to move your feet to a higher position on the wall. It may take some time, but eventually, you will progress to a full handstand position.

When you are first learning this lift, you should either have someone watch you or record your self. Doing this will allow you to have your form checked to make sure you are performing the exercise correctly.

Use a slow and controlled movement. Doing this is key to activating the proper muscles that get used when you perform this lift.

Keep your core tight and back straight. The most common error is to curve your back. When your back is curved, you are in a more compromising position. A curved back increases your chances of a muscle strain happening.

In closing

Since you do not need any equipment to perform this lift is is a great exercise to use on days when you are not able to get to the gym and have access to a limited amount of fitness equipment.

Just remember that this is for people at a high fitness level. If you are just beginning to get into shape, you should use Planks, Pike Push-Ups, and the traditional push-up to prepare for this lift.

If you have never used this lift before, try it for a few weeks and see first hand the different benefits it has to offer you.

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